Addiction Journals

This page contains a ranking of addiction journals based on 1999 impact factors. Also included is the percentage of submitted articles accepted by each journal in 1997. See also the 1998 Journal Rankings.


Impact Factor

Acceptance Rate

Psychology of Addictive Behaviors3.034%
Journal of Studies on Alcohol2.826%
Drug and Alcohol Dependence2.070%
Alcoholism: Clinical and Experimental Research2.050%
Addiction Biology1.553%
Alcohol and Alcoholism1.476%
Journal of Addictive Diseases1.343%
Experimental and Clinical Psychopharmacology1.340%
American Journal on Addictions1.154%
Addictive Behaviors1.065%
Journal of Substance Abuse0.933%
The American Journal of Drug and Alcohol Abuse0.950%
Drug and Alcohol Review0.950%
Journal of Substance Abuse Treatment0.865%
Journal of Psychoactive Drugs0.685%
Substance Use & Misuse0.565%

Last modified October 2001
Visited times since October 2001

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