Information for Authors

For submission, send four copies of all manuscripts to the Editor, Douglas K. Detterman, Department of Psychology, Case Western Reserve University, 10900 Euclid Ave., Cleveland, OH 44106-7123. A blind review will be conducted upon the request of the author.

Manuscripts should conform to the conventions specified in the fourth edition (1994) of the Publication Manual of the American Psychological Association (750 First St., NE, Washington, DC 20002-4242) with the exceptions listed below.

  1. Preparation of Manuscript. Please double space all material. Manuscripts should be typewritten on 8 1/2 x 11 in. bond paper, one side only, ragged right margin, leaving 1-in. margins on all sides. Number pages consecutively with the title page as page 1, and include a brief abstract from 100 to 150 words as page 2. All tables and other end-of-paper matter, except art, should be numbered also.

  2. Illustrations. Submit only clear reproductions of artwork. Authors should retain original artwork until a manuscript has been accepted in its final version. All figures must be in a camera-ready form. All artwork should be placed in the manuscript. Authors must provide high-quality figures, preferably laser printed, typeset, or professionally inked. Photographs must be black and white glossies. Color originals are discouraged. The largest figure that can be accommodated is 5 x 7 in., so please keep this in mind when constructing artwork.

  3. Numbering of Figures and Tables. Each figure and table must be mentioned in the text and must be numbered consecutively using Arabic numerals in the order of its appearance in the text. On the reverse side of every figure write the name of the author and the figure number. A brief title should be typed directly above each table. Please indicate in the manuscript approximately where you wish each table or figure to be placed.

  4. Footnotes. Footnotes should be used sparingly and indicated by consecutive numbers in the text. Material to be footnoted should be typed separately and submitted with the manuscript following the figure legends. Acknowledgments, grant numbers, an author correspondence address, E-mail, and any change of address should be given in a separate, asterisked footnote, which will appear at the end of text.

  5. References. Contributors should refer to the APA Publication Manual for the correct listing of references in the text and reference list. The only exception is that unpublished references should not be treated as reference notes, but listed in the same format as published references. All references must be closely checked in text and lists to determine that dates and spellings are consistent. Please note that the names of all authors should be given in the list of references, and "et al." used only in the text. Examples for journals, unpublished papers, and books (in that order) are given below:

    Atkinson, R. C., & Shiffrin, R. M. (1971). The control of short-term memory. Scientific American, 225, 82-90.

    Lightburn, L. T. (1955). The relation of critical fusion frequency to age. Unpublished doctoral dissertation. University of New Jersey.

    Riesen, A. H. (1966). Sensory deprivation. In E. Stellar & J. M. Sprague (Eds.), Progress in physiological psychology (pp. 105-112). New York: Academic.

  6. Spelling, Terminology, and Abbreviations. American spelling, rather than British, is preferred. The Third Edition of Webster's Unabridged Dictionary is the standard reference work when in doubt. Please try to avoid jargon and, whenever possible, abbreviations that are not commonly accepted.

  7. Permissions. Contributors are responsible for obtaining permission from copyright owners if they use an illustration, table, or lengthy quote from material that has been published elsewhere. Contributors should write to both the publisher and author of material they are seeking permission to reproduce.

  8. Affiliation, Running Head. Please include under your name on the title page the institutions with which you are connected, your complete mailing address, E-mail, and credits to any other institution where the work may have been done. A shortened version of your title, suitable for alternate page headings, should be typed underneath your affiliation and identified as Running Head.

  9. Acceptance. Upon acceptance we request an IBM compatible disk, spell checked and stripped of all embedded graphics. Graphics should be saved in a separate eps, tiff, or ps file. The accuracy of the disk and page proofs is the author's responsibility.

  10. Offprints. The lead author will be provided 15 free copies of his or her article and each author will receive a free copy of the issue in which his or her article appears.


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