Personality Researchers

Table of Contents

This page links to the home pages of many personality researchers, whose research interests are classified according to the research programs covered in this website. The research programs are not exhaustive, so researchers listed with no research interests may simply have research interests not covered in this website. In addition, no researcher is listed who does not have a personal home page, most of which are associated with a university. Many researchers are members of one or more
Personality Societies. See also the Statistics on visits to pages in this website.


Att = Attachment Theory
Emo = Basic Emotions
BG = Behavior Genetics
Beh = Behaviorism
Cog = Cognitive Social Theories
FFM = Five-Factor Model
IQ = Intelligence
IPC = Interpersonal Theory
PEN = PEN Model
Psa = Psychoanalysis
PD = Personality Disorders
Evo = Evolutionary Psychology
Mot = Motivation
Mea = Measurement
Met = Metatheory

G. Scott Acton Rochester Institute of Technology      IQIPCPEN    Mea  
Manfred Amelang University of Heidelberg, Germany      IQ PEN  Evo   
Susan M. Andersen New York University    Cog    Psa     
Michael Anderson University of Western Australia      IQ         
Alois Angleitner University of Bielefeld, Germany  BG  FFM         
Jens B. Asendorpf Humboldt University, GermanyAtt              
Jennifer Aubé University of RochesterAtt      IPC       
J. Michael Bailey Northwestern University  BG        Evo   
Albert Bandura Stanford University    Cog           
Veronica Benet-Martinez University of Michigan     FFM         
Paul Barrett University of Aukland, New Zealand             MeaMet
Kim Bartholomew Simon Fraser University, CanadaAtt              
Dieter Bartussek University of Trier, Germany Emo      PEN      
Timothy C. Bates Macquarie University, Australia      IQ        
Roy F. Baumeister Case Western Reserve University Emo  Cog          
André Beauducel Technical University of Dresden, Germany         PEN      
Aaron T. Beck University of Pennsylvania    Cog          
Peter Becker University of Trier, Germany     FFM    PD    
Daryl J. Bem Cornell University    Cog          
Lorna Smith Benjamin University of Utah       IPC  PD    
Howard Berenbaum University of Illinois, Urbana-Champaign EmoBG            
Ronald Blackburn University of Liverpool       IPC  PD    
Jack Block University of California, Berkeley             Mea 
C. George Boeree Shippensburg University Emo         Evo    
Jennifer Boldero University of Melbourne, Australia    Cog          
Niall Bolger New York University             Mea 
George A. Bonanno Columbia University         Psa     
Peter Borkenau Martin Luther University, Germany  BG  FFM         
Thomas J. Bouchard, Jr. University of Minnesota  BG   IQ        
Christopher Brand University of Edinburgh, Scotland      IQ        
John M. T. BrebnerUniversity of Adelaide, Australia        PEN      
Patricia A. Brennan Emory University          PD    
Burkhard Brocke Technical University of Dresden, Germany        PEN      
Nathan Brody Wesleyan University      IQ        
Ross Broughton University of Winnipeg, Canada       IPC       
Jonathon D. Brown University of Washington    Cog          
Arnold H. Buss University of Texas, Austin           Evo   
David M. Buss University of Texas, Austin           Evo   
James N. Butcher University of Minnesota             Mea 
Jennifer D. Campbell University of British Columbia, Canada    Cog          
Charles S. Carver University of MiamiAtt       PEN      
Peter G. Caryl University of Edinburgh, Scotland      IQ    Evo   
Avshalom Caspi Institute of Psychiatry, London; and University of Wisconsin, Madison        PEN      
Salvatore J. Catanzaro Illinois State University Emo  Cog          
Daniel P. Cervone University of Illinois, Chicago    Cog          
William F. Chaplin University of Alabama, Tuscaloosa               
Lee Anna Clark University of Iowa Emo        PD    
C. Robert Cloninger Washington University, St. Louis  BG     PEN PD    
David B. Cohen University of Texas, Austin  BG        Evo   
Nancy L. Collins University of California, Santa BarbaraAtt              
C. Randall Colvin Northeastern University    Cog          
Colin Cooper Queens University, Belfast, Northern Ireland      IQ      Mea 
M. Lynne Cooper University of Missouri, ColumbiaAttEmo           Mea 
Philip J. Corr Goldsmiths College, University of London   Beh    PEN      
Leda Cosmides University of California, Santa Barbara           Evo   
Paul T. Costa, Jr. National Institute on Aging     FFM         
Phebe Cramer Williams College         Psa     
Charles B. Crawford Simon Fraser University, Canada           Evo   
Joanne Davila State University of New York, BuffaloAtt              
Douglas A. Davis Haverford College         Psa     
Ian J. Deary University of Edinburgh, Scotland     FFMIQ        
Paul De Boeck University of Leuven, Belgium Emo        PD  Mea 
Edward L. Deci University of Rochester            Mot  
Filip De Fruyt University of Ghent, Belgium     FFM         
John C. DeFries University of Colorado, Boulder  BG            
Daniel C. Dennett Tufts University           Evo  Met
Richard A. Depue Cornell University Emo      PEN      
Ed de St. Aubin Marquette University            Mot  
Douglas K. Detterman Case Western Reserve University      IQ        
Ed Diener University of Illinois, Urbana-Champaign Emo      PEN       
Paul R. Duberstein University of Rochester     FFM         
Carol S. Dweck Columbia University    Cog       Mot  
Mitchell Earleywine University of Southern California               
Lindon J. Eaves Virginia Commonwealth University  BG            
Boris Egloff University of Mainz, Germany Emo             
Howard Ehrlichman City University of New York        PEN      
Michael Eid University of Koblenz and Landau, Germany Emo           Mea 
Paul Ekman University of California, San Francisco Emo         Evo   
Andrew J. Elliot University of RochesterAtt           Mot  
Clark Elliott DePaul Univesity Emo             
Bruce J. Ellis University of Canterbury, New Zealand           Evo  Met
Alan C. Elms University of California, Davis               
Robert A. Emmons University of California, Davis               
Norman S. Endler York University, Canada Emo             
Randall W. EngleGeorgia Tech University      IQ        
Seymour Epstein University of Massachusetts, Amherst    Cog    Psa     
Michael W. Eysenck Royal Holloway, University of London        PEN      
Richard F. Farmer University of Canterbury, New Zealand          PD    
Judith A. Feeney University of Queensland, AustraliaAttEmo             
Gregory J. Feist College of William and Mary      IQ       Met
Lisa Feldman Barrett Boston College Emo             
Peter R. Finn Indiana University, Bloomington        PEN       
William Fleeson Wake Forest University Emo  Cog       Mot   
James R. Flynn University of Otago, New Zealand      IQ        
Susan Folkman University of California, San Francisco            Mot   
Peter Fonagy University College London         Psa     
Nathan A. Fox University of Maryland, College ParkAttEmo             
Don C. Fowles University of Iowa          PD    
Alan J. Fridlund University of California, Santa Barbara           Evo   
Howard S. Friedman University of California, Riverside               
Frank Fujita Indiana University, South Bend Emo   FFM         
David C. Funder University of California, Riverside             Mea 
Adrian F. Furnham University College London                
R. Michael Furr Appalachian State University              Mea 
Steven W. Gangestad University of New Mexico           Evo   
Howard Gardner Harvard University      IQ        
Kenneth J. Gergen Swarthmore College              Met
Robert Gifford University of Victoria, Canada       IPC       
Kirby Gilliland University of Oklahoma        PEN      
Per F. Gjerde University of California, Santa CruzAtt              
Lewis R. Goldberg University of Oregon     FFM       Mea 
Samuel D. Gosling University of Texas, Austin           Evo  Met
Jeffrey A. Gray Institute of Psychiatry, London        PEN      
James W. Grice Oklahoma State University    Cog        Mea 
James J. Gross Stanford University Emo             
William M. Grove University of Minnesota          PD  Mea 
Adolf Grünbaum University of Pittsburgh         Psa    Met
Michael B. Gurtman University of Wisconsin, Parkside       IPC     Mea 
Jürgen Guthke University of Leipzig, Germany      IQ        
Sarah E. Hampson University of Surry    CogFFM         
Judith M. Harackiewicz University of Wisconsin, Madison            Mot  
Robert D. Hare University of British Columbia, Canada          PD    
Monica J. Harris University of Kentucky    Cog          
Nicholas Haslam University of Melbourne, Australia    Cog  IPC     MeaMet
Ravenna Helson University of California, Berkeley               
Ronald Henss University of the Saarland, Germany     FFM     Evo   
E. Tory Higgins Columbia University    Cog          
Volker Hodapp University of Frankfurt, Germany Emo             
John L. Horn University of Southern California      IQ      Mea 
Joseph M. Horn University of Texas, Austin  BG   IQ        
Michael E. Houlihan Acadia University, Canada      IQ        
Timothy J. Huelsman Appalachian State University Emo           Mea 
Earl B. Hunt University of Washington      IQ        
William Ickes University of Texas, Arlington    Cog          
Douglas N. Jackson University of Western Ontario, Canada     FFMIQ      Mea 
Kerry L. Jang University of British Columbia, Canada  BG  FFM    PD    
Oliver P. John University of California, Berkeley    CogFFM         
John A. Johnson Pennsylvania State University, DuBois     FFM         
Arvid Kappas University of Hull, England Emo             
Dacher Keltner University of California, Berkeley Emo             
David A. Kenny University of Connecticut     FFM       Mea 
Donald J. Kiesler Virginia Commonwealth University       IPC       
John F. Kihlstrom University of California, Berkeley    Cog    Psa     
Bill N. Kinder University of South Florida, Tampa             Mea 
Laura A. King University of Missouri, Columbia Emo             
Lee A. Kirkpatrick College of William and MaryAtt          Evo   
Stanley B. Klein University of California, Santa Barbara    Cog          
Eric Klinger University of Minnesota Emo             
Britt Klinteberg Stockholm University, Sweden        PEN      
Heinz Walter Krohne University of Mainz, Germany Emo             
Robert F. Krueger University of Minnesota  BG     PEN PD    
Frieder R. Lang Humboldt University, Germany     FFM         
Randy J. Larsen Washington University, St. Louis Emo      PEN      
Mark R. Leary Wake Forest University Emo  Cog          
Robert W. Levenson University of California, Berkeley Emo             
Scott O. Lilienfeld Emory University          PD    
Patricia W. Linville Duke University    Cog          
Todd D. Little University of Kansas    Cog        Mea 
Kenneth D. Locke University of Idaho, Moscow    Cog  IPC       
John C. Loehlin University of Texas, Austin  BG  FFMIQ      Mea 
David Lubinski Vanderbilt University      IQ        
Neil Lutsky Carleton College               
David T. Lykken University of Minnesota  BG   IQ   PD    
Savlatore R. Maddi University of California, Irvine              Met
Charlotte N. Markey Rutgers University, Camden     FFM IPC       
Patrick M. Markey Villanova University     FFM IPC     Mea 
Nicholas G. Martin Queensland Institute of Medical Research, Australia  BG     PEN      
Gerald Matthews University of Cincinnati Emo      PEN      
Dan P. McAdams Northwestern University             Mot   
John J. McArdle University of Virginia  BG   IQ      Mea 
Gary H. McClelland University of Colorado, Boulder             Mea 
Robert R. McCrae National Institute on Aging     FFM         
Matthew McGue University of Minnesota  BG            
Linda Mealey College of St. Benedict          PDEvo   
Albert Mehrabian University of California, Los Angeles               
Gerald A. Mendelsohn University of California, Berkeley    Cog          
Gregory J. Meyer University of Alaska, Anchorage             Mea 
Mario Mikulincer Bar-Ilan University, IsraelAtt              
Theodore Millon Harvard University          PD    
Walter Mischel Columbia University    Cog          
D. S. Moskowitz McGill University, Canada       IPC       
Ulric Neisser Cornell University      IQ         
Susan A. NolanSeton Hall University Emo             
Patricia NollerUniversity of Queensland, AustraliaAtt              
Steven Nowicki Emory University       IPC       
Helmuth Nyborg University of Aarhus, Denmark      IQ PEN      
Daniel M. Ogilvie Rutgers University            Mot  
Deniz S. Ones University of Minnesota     FFM         
Jim OrfordUniversity of Birmingham, England       IPC       
Andrew Ortony Northwestern University Emo              
Fritz Ostendorf University of Bielefeld, Germany     FFM         
Daniel J. Ozer University of California, Riverside             Mea 
Abigail T. Panter University of North Carolina, Chapel Hill             Mea 
Christopher J. Patrick University of Minnesota Emo        PD    
Delroy L. Paulhus University of British Columbia, Canada      IQIPC  PD  Mea 
Sampo V. Paunonen University of Western Ontario, Canada     FFM       Mea 
Louis A. Penner University of South Florida, Tampa               
Marco Perugini University of Essex     FFM         
Felice Perussia University of the Studies of Turin, Italy               
Lawrence A. Pervin Rutgers University Emo              
Stephen A. Petrill Pennsylvania State University, University Park  BG   IQ        
Alan D. Pickering Goldsmiths College, University of London        PEN      
Paula R. Pietromonaco University of Massachusetts, AmherstAtt              
Aaron L. Pincus Pennsylvania State University, University Park       IPC  PD    
Robert Plomin Institute of Psychiatry, London  BG   IQ        
Eshkol Rafaeli Barnard College, Columbia University Emo  Cog     PD    
Adrian Raine University of Southern California          PD    
Harry T. Reis University of RochesterAttEmo             
Steven P. Reise University of California, Los Angeles             Mea 
William Revelle Northwestern University      IQ PEN   MotMea 
Frederick Rhodewalt University of Utah    Cog     PD    
W. Steven Rholes Texas A&M UniversityAtt              
Brent W. Roberts University of Illinois, Urbana-Champaign     FFM         
Richard D. Roberts University of Sydney, Australia      IQ        
Richard W. Robins University of California, Davis    CogFFM         
Lizabeth Roemer University of Massachusetts, Boston Emo  Cog          
T. B. Rogers University of Calgary, Canada             MeaMet
Saul Rosenzweig Washington University, St. Louis         Psa     
John Ruscio Elizabethtown College Emo            Mea 
J. Philippe Rushton University of Western Ontario, Canada  BG   IQ    Evo   
James A. Russell Boston College Emo             
Cheryl L. Rusting State University of New York, Buffalo Emo      PEN       
Richard M. Ryan University of Rochester            Mot  
Donald H. Saklofske University of Saskatchewan, Canada      IQ      Mea 
Peter Salovey Yale University Emo    IQ        
Toru Sato Shippensburg University               
Gerard Saucier University of Oregon  BG  FFM         
Earl S. Schaefer University of North Carolina, Chapel HillAtt      IPC       
Elaine Scharfe Trent University, CanadaAtt              
Klaus R. Scherer University of Geneva, Switzerland Emo             
James A. Schmidt Western Illinois University       IPC       
David P. Schmitt Bradley University           Evo   
Manfred Schmitt University of Trier, Germany             Mea 
Peter Schmuck University of Greifswald, Germany            Mot  
Ralf Schwarzer Free University of Berlin, Germany    Cog          
Todd K. Shackelford Florida Atlantic University           Evo   
Phillip R. Shaver University of California, DavisAtt              
M. Tracie Shea Brown University          PD    
Kennon M. Sheldon University of Missouri, Columbia            Mot  
Kenneth J. Sher University of Missouri, Columbia     FFM  PEN PD    
Rebecca L. Shiner Colgate University     FFM  PEN      
Yuichi Shoda University of Washington    Cog          
Patrick E. Shrout New York University             Mea 
Jefferson A. Singer Connecticut College            Mot  
Devendra Singh University of Texas, Austin           Evo   
William E. Snell, Jr. Southeast Missouri State UniversityAtt         PD    
C. Richard Snyder University of Kansas    Cog          
Mark Snyder University of Minnesota    Cog          
Charles D. Spielberger University of South Florida, Tampa Emo             
L. Alan Sroufe University of MinnesotaAtt              
Lazar Stankov University of Sydney, Australia      IQ        
Robert M. Stelmack University of Ottawa, Canada      IQ PEN      
Robert J. Sternberg Yale University      IQ        
Joachim Stöber Martin Luther University, Germany Emo             
Jan Strelau University of Warsaw, Poland        PEN      
Heinz-Martin Süß University of Mannheim, Germany      IQ        
Eunkook Mark Suh University of California, Irvine Emo             
John R. Suler Rider University         Psa     
Frank J. Sulloway University of California, Berkeley         Psa Evo   
Jerry Suls University of Iowa     FFM         
Steven K. Sutton University of Miami        PEN      
Auke Tellegen University of Minnesota  BG     PEN    Mea 
Howard Tennen University of Connecticut          PD    
Robert E. Thayer California State University, Long Beach Emo      PEN      
Delbert D. Thiessen University of Texas, Austin  BG        Evo   
Lee A. Thompson Case Western Reserve University  BG   IQ        
Avril Thorne University of California, Santa Cruz            Mot  
Terence J. G. Tracey Arizona State University       IPC       
Paul D. Trapnell Ohio State University, Mansfield     FFM IPC       
Krista K. Trobst York University, Canada       IPC       
Timothy J. Trull University of Missouri, Columbia     FFM  PEN PD    
Francis Tuerlinckx University of Leuven, Belgium             Mea 
Eric Turkheimer University of Virginia  BG            
Peter Tyrer Imperial College, London          PD    
Marinus H. van Ijzendoorn Leiden University, The NetherlandsAtt              
Iven Van Mechelen University of Leuven, Belgium             Mea 
Philip A. Vernon University of Western Ontario  BG  FFMIQ      Mea 
Lise Wallach Duke University              Met
Michael A. Wallach Duke University              Met
Niels G. Waller Vanderbilt UniversityAtt BG       PD  Mea 
Everett Bell Waters, Jr. State University of New York, Stony BrookAtt              
David B. Watson University of Iowa Emo             
Drew Westen Emory University         PsyPD    
Michael A. Westerman New York University       IPC       
Keith F. Widaman University of California, Davis      IQ      Mea 
Thomas A. Widiger University of Kentucky          PD    
David R. Williams University of Pennsylvania   Beh           
Werner W. Wittman University of Mannheim, Germany      IQ      Mea 
Uwe Wolfradt Martin Luther University, Germany          PD    
Moshe Zeidner University of Haifa, Israel Emo    IQ      Mea 
John M. Zelenski Carleton College, Canada Emo      PEN      
Richard E. Zinbarg Northwestern University Emo Beh    PEN      
Marvin Zuckerman University of Delaware        PEN      
David C. Zuroff McGill University, CanadaAttEmo   FFM         

Last modified May 2004

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