# Analog.cfg - Configuration file for Analog 3.0 # # Look at Readme.html file in the Docs folder or goto # http://www.statslab.cam.ac.uk/~sret1/analog/ # or http://summary.net/soft/analog.html for more information. # # Lines starting with a '#' character are comments # HOSTNAME "Great Ideas in Personality" # Host name, used in the title of the report # HOSTURL "http://personality-project.org/greatideas.html" # Host name will be a link to here # LOGFORMAT WEBSTAR # Log file format AUTO, COMMON, COMBINED, MICROSOFT, WEBSTAR, EXTENDED, # NETPRESENZ, NETSCAPE, REFERRER, or BROWSER # LOGFILE "Galton:MacHTTP Software & Docs:greatideas:stats:MacHTTP.log" # Specify the log file(s) to be processed. May consist of a list of file # names seperated by commas and may contain wild cards ('*' and '?'). # This can also be a relitave or full path name, for example: #LOGFILE "Hard disk:WebSTAR 2.0:*.log" # OUTPUT HTML # Output format, can be ASCII, HTML, COMPUTER, or CACHE # OUTFILE stats.html # The default file for output. # DNS NONE # level of DNS activity. Can be NONE, READ, LOOKUP, or WRITE # This controls domain name lookups. It will typicaly slow Analog # down quite dramaticaly while lookups are being done! # DNSGOODHOURS 672 # once every four weeks # Frequency with which to recheck successful DNS cache entries in hours # DNSBADHOURS 168 # once a week # Frequency with which to recheck failed DNS cache entries in hours # DOMAINSFILE "domains.tab" # the file where the domain definitions live; see docs/domfile.html # CACHEOUTFILE none # The default file for cache output. Use "none" for no cache file. # CACHEFILE none # The file for cache input. Again, can be "none". # #REFEXCLUDE http://www.statslab.cam.ac.uk* #REFEXCLUDE http://statslab.cam.ac.uk* # Dont list these in the referrer report # #HOSTEXCLUDE *.statslab.cam.ac.uk # Don't count requests from these hosts at all # ARGSEXCLUDE * # Don't look at query portion of requested URLs # WARNINGS ON # Turn this off to guaranty Analog exits when it is done # CASE INSENSITIVE # SENSITIVE or INSENSITIVE # IMAGEDIR ./images/ # where to look for images (bars for the bar charts) # LOGO analogo.gif # the graphic in the top left corner of the report, # interpreted relative to IMAGEDIR above. # #REFWITHOUTARGS * # This would remove everything after the '?' in the referer report # #REQINCLUDE pages # *, PAGES, or list of file name patterns # LINKINCLUDE pages # *, PAGES, or list of file name patterns # LANGUAGE US-ENGLISH # ENGLISH, US-ENGLISH, CZECH, DANISH, # FRENCH, GERMAN, HUNGARIAN, ITALIAN, # PORTUGESE, BR-PORTUGESE, ROMANIAN, # SLOVENE, SLOVAK, SWEDISH, # comming soon SPANISH, FLEMISH, DUTCH, CATALAN, # RUSSIAN, FINNISH, NORWEGIAN, # POLISH # PROGRESSFREQ 10000 # report progress every 5000 lines # DEBUG +D # Display DNS lookup progress # REPORTORDER xmWDdHh45uJoSvitzcrEIfskKbB #A string like "xmWDdHh45uJoSvitzcrEIfskKbB" giving the order in which # the reports will be output. You should include each of the above # letters exactly once. See docs/output.html for which report has # which code letter. # # whether we want each of the reports by default GENERAL ON # General statistics and GoTo's MONTHLY ON # Monthly report DAILY ON # Daily summary FULLDAILY OFF # Daily report # One line for each day. Think about the poor people loading your page from # the other side of the world before turning this on by default. WEEKLY ON # Weekly report HOURLY ON # Hourly summary FULLHOURLY OFF # Hourly report # One line for each hour ever. You really don't want this on by default. QUARTER OFF # Quarter-hour report FIVE OFF # Five-minute report DOMAIN ON # Domain report DIRECTORY ON # Directory report FILETYPE ON # File type report REQUEST ON # Request report REDIR OFF # Redirection report FAILURE ON # Failure report SIZE ON # File size report HOST ON # Host report REFERRER ON # Referer report REFSITE ON # Referring site report REDIRREF OFF # Redirected referrer report FAILREF ON # Failed referrer report VHOST OFF # Virtual host report USER OFF # User report FAILUSER OFF # Failed user report BROWSER ON # Browser summary FULLBROWSER ON # Browser report STATUS ON # Status code report GOTOS ON # "Go To" lines # DOMCOLS PpRrBb # Which columns we want to appear in the domain report, and in which order. # The string can contain any of the following four letters: # R Number of requests from each domain # r Percentage of the requests from each domain # P Number of requests for pages from each domain # p Percentage of the requests for pages from each domain # B Total number of bytes transferred to each domain # b The percentage of traffic to each domain # D Date and time of last access from each domain # And the same for the other reports HOSTCOLS PpRrBb DIRCOLS PpRrBb TYPECOLS RrBb REQCOLS RrBbD REDIRCOLS R FAILCOLS R MONTHCOLS PRB DAYCOLS PRB FULLDAYCOLS PRB WEEKCOLS PRB HOURCOLS PRB FULLHOURCOLS PRB QUARTERCOLS P FIVECOLS P REFCOLS Rr REFSITECOLS R REDIRREFCOLS R FAILREFCOLS R BROWCOLS PpRrBb FULLBROWCOLS PpRrBb SIZECOLS Rb VHOSTCOLS Rb USERCOLS Rb FAILUSERCOLS R STATUSCOLS R # # Should the time graphs be calculated by requests 'R', # bytes 'B' or pages 'P'? MONTHGRAPH P DAYGRAPH P FULLDAYGRAPH P HOURGRAPH P FULLHOURGRAPH P WEEKGRAPH P QUARTERGRAPH P FIVEGRAPH P # # Should they go forwards (oldest entries at top) or backwards? # (NB You can mix them, but probably don't want to) MONTHBACK OFF WEEKBACK OFF FULLDAYBACK OFF FULLHOURBACK OFF QUARTERBACK OFF FIVEBACK OFF # # The maximum number of rows in each (0 for "show all time") MONTHROWS 0 WEEKROWS 0 FULLDAYROWS 65 FULLHOURROWS 72 QUARTERROWS 96 FIVEROWS 288 # # The "floor" for each report. See docs/othreps.html for the # possible formats for these strings. REQFLOOR 20r REQARGSFLOOR 10r REDIRFLOOR -30r REDIRARGSFLOOR 10r FAILFLOOR -30r FAILARGSFLOOR 10r DOMFLOOR 0b SUBDOMFLOOR 0.5%b DIRFLOOR 0.01%b SUBDIRFLOOR 0.01%b TYPEFLOOR 0.1%b SUBTYPEFLOOR 0.1%b HOSTFLOOR 100r REFFLOOR 20r REFARGSFLOOR 10r REFSITEFLOOR -30r REFDIRFLOOR 50r REDIRREFFLOOR -30r REDIRREFARGSFLOOR 10r FAILREFFLOOR -30r FAILREFARGSFLOOR 10r BROWFLOOR -20r FULLBROWFLOOR -40r VHOSTFLOOR -20b USERFLOOR -100r FAILUSERFLOOR -20r STATUSFLOOR 0r # # how should the various reports be sorted? Legal values ar REQUESTS, # PAGES, BYTES, ALPHABETICAL, DATE, and RANDOM (unsorted) REQSORTBY REQUESTS REQARGSSORTBY REQUESTS REDIRSORTBY REQUESTS REDIRARGSSORTBY REQUESTS FAILSORTBY REQUESTS FAILARGSSORTBY REQUESTS DOMSORTBY BYTES SUBDOMSORTBY BYTES DIRSORTBY BYTES SUBDIRSORTBY BYTES TYPESORTBY BYTES SUBTYPESORTBY BYTES HOSTSORTBY ALPHABETICAL REFSORTBY REQUESTS REFARGSSORTBY REQUESTS REFSITESORTBY REQUESTS REFDIRSORTBY REQUESTS REDIRREFSORTBY REQUESTS REDIRREFARGSSORTBY REQUESTS FAILREFSORTBY REQUESTS FAILREFARGSSORTBY REQUESTS BROWSORTBY REQUESTS SUBBROWSORTBY REQUESTS FULLBROWSORTBY REQUESTS VHOSTSORTBY BYTES USERSORTBY REQUESTS FAILUSERSORTBY REQUESTS STATUSSORTBY ALPHABETICAL # WEEKBEGINSON SUNDAY # The 1st day of the week. I think it's SUNDAY, but you can choose any day. # SEPCHAR ',' # REPSEPCHAR none # The same for long numbers within the detailed output # DECPOINT '.' # Character to use as the decimal point. # COMPSEP "\t" # A separator string between fields in "computer" output style # RAWBYTES OFF # whether bytes should be quoted in full (e.g., 1,021,453) as # opposed to in kilobytes, megabytes etc. (e.g., 998k). # # END